أحدث اصدار برنامج Ovi Maps 3.04 لعام 2011 لهواتف نوكيا الجيل الخامس على أكثر من سرفر
UPtimes1.com-Ovi Maps 3.04 Full Version For Nokia 5th Edition Software
مع Ovi Maps يمكنك فعل الكثير والاستفادة من جهازك إلى أقصى درجة عن طريق الذهاب إلى أى مكان ترغب فيه برفقة الدليل الصوتى بأكثر من لغة و منها اللغة العربية و تحديد موقعك باستخدام نظام Gps و A-Gps أو عن طريق الأتصال بالأنترنت و يمكنك أيضاً حفظ الاماكن المفضلة لديك و معرفة حالة الطقس واستخدام الهاتف فى الملاحة المجانية أثناء السير على الأقدام او داخل السيارة والكثير من المميزات الاخرى المجانية و يتوافر هذا التطبيق بكثير من اللغات حسب لغة جهازك
Exclusively with Ovi Maps you can do a lot and take advantage of your device to the maximum degree by going to anywhere you want along with audio guide more than one language and of Arabic language and determine your location using a Gps system and A-Gps or through an Internet connection and you can also save your favorite places and know the status of weather and use the phone for free navigation while walking on foot or in the car and lots of other free features available in this application and much of the language as the language of your Phone
Supported Phone
Nokia5800 XpressMusic,Nokia5230,Nokia N97,Nokia N97 Mini,Nokai N97 Mini Golden Edition
Exclusively with Ovi Maps you can do a lot and take advantage of your device to the maximum degree by going to anywhere you want along with audio guide more than one language and of Arabic language and determine your location using a Gps system and A-Gps or through an Internet connection and you can also save your favorite places and know the status of weather and use the phone for free navigation while walking on foot or in the car and lots of other free features available in this application and much of the language as the language of your Phone
Supported Phone
Nokia5800 XpressMusic,Nokia5230,Nokia N97,Nokia N97 Mini,Nokai N97 Mini Golden Edition
Name: Ovi Maps
Version: 3.04
License: Free
Format: SIS
Size: 9 Mb
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